

最近Rの統計開発環境を使用してlmの関数を試しています。 I am confused about what exactly this function does. lm(y~x) supposedly computes a linear model in which y depends on x. Does this mean that a line through the data is computed. Outpu…


債権の基本の説明に戻って以前に読んで印象を書いた記事と比較しています。A forward rate for a bond is an given in slides I read (from a course at the University of Waterloo) to be the rate beginning at a future time period which is implied by…


現在Vasicekの論文を読んでいます。彼の導出に分からない事が多いです。 The objective of the paper seems to be to provide formulas to determine the present value of bonds and their term interest rates, given a maturity date. One point I do not…


I am uncertain as to how Einstein can justify the statement that the gravitational mass of a body is equivalent to its inertial mass. 重力場を磁場に比べます。 Just as a magnetic field causes action to take place on a piece of iron indirect…


最近アインシュタインの特例相対理論を読みながら4次元の空間を考えています。 Basically, I was wondering why the four-dimensional view of space and time is superior to the old one, that of a three-dimensional space and separate single dimensi…