

まだ算数の圧縮に間して学んでいます。 I have been reading about how, given the probability distribution of the letters in a message, the half-open interval [0,1) can be partitioned for the letters. For example, say there are three possible …


最近データの圧縮する方法を考えています。ぐたい的にどんな計算方式を使ってデータの用量を小さくするし読み込む時に圧縮されたデータから実際に入力されたデータに戻す事を調べたいです。The method above is known as "lossless" data compression and ar…


I am having difficulty with a proof that the Euler characteristic for three-manifolds is 0, i.e. V-E+F-S=0 for a complex K representing the triangulation of a 3-manifold. The step stating 2E = V1+V2+...Vn eludes me. V1, V2... are the verti…