

「雇用・利子および貨幣の一般理論」に書いてある説明をわかりません。 Keynes claims that, given employment of 5,200,000, an additional 100,000 people added via a public works project would lead to a new employment level of 6,400,000. This gai…


最近線形代数学を再び学びながら主成分分析を見つけました。 Principal component analysis involves transforming a set of points (written as a matrix) into a new set of points such that the offsets are from different coordinate axes. These axes…


ケインズによる雇用が生産高によります。 When an entrepreneur decides how much to produce and thus how many people to employ, he must consider aggregate demand, which is the sum of investment and the propensity to consume. I have some confus…


最近英国の経済学者JMケインズの「雇用・利子および貨幣の一般理論」を読んでいます。分かりづらい点ひとつ記録します。 Keynes discusses in chapter 6 the definition of income for a certain time period in terms of output sold(A), user cost(U), and…


更新 The definition I used for Value at Risk was slightly inaccurate. The quantile return is the return such that the probability of a strictly worse return is equal to the probability theta, not the probability of a return of the same val…