

It seems that, in this paper, collisions occur only between spheres within the same subspace grid. The basis for collision detection is the candidate collision events for each of the spheres. In fact, three types of events are defined: res…


最近計算的な幾何学の論文を読みました。 スタンフォード大学のGuibas教授とサムサング社の方が新しい球体衝突探知アルゴリズムを研究しました。 Spherical collision detection is of interest, because objects in games, crowd simulations, or particle …


電子工学まで勉強が及びました。 Apparently, a simple low pass filter can be created by connecting a capacitor and resistor in a circuit. The initial voltage drop is the difference between the point where current has not reached either the c…


本日フーリエ変換の使い道に関して読んでいます。 While I am particularly eager to see how this applies to financial modeling, I have opted to begin by seeing how the transform is applied to image processing. My motive for this choice is that…


I am still confused by the solution statement to problem 75 in The Art of Computer Programming v4 fascicle 2. As indicated below, even knowing 1. t = 0 mod m where m is number of columns is torus 2. t+d = 0 mod n where n is number of rows …

Hamiltonian Cycles on a Torus

Knuth教授のThe Art of Computer Programming volume 2, fascicle 4 の問題に関して悩んでいます。 The problem requires a proof that the number of Hamiltonian cycles on an m x n torus is: d-1 SIGMA(d CHOOSE k) where the gcd*1^t. Multiplying both…

Cellular Automata

I am reading an article about these devices in Scientific American の特集. It seems that local behavior of squares which choose to replicate based on the surrounding squares can generate interesting global dynamics. A turing machine which …


自己開発のゲームの設計を記録して見ます。 Check Promotion部分1. Detecting all riddles for a level are clear. This is based on a comparison of two ScoreTracker data members: numRiddles and riddleNum. Analogous members are kept in the RiddleG…


Finally, getting to the definition of the integral: let g be a simple measurable function on an m-measurable set E, where E = UNION(Ei), and g(x)=ai if x element of Ei. Then define the integral of g over E: INTEGRAL(E)(g) = SIGMAsubi(ai*m(…


"次の定理の証明を読んで混乱しました。 Theorem: If a function f is Riemann integrable over E, then it is also Lebesgue integrable and the Riemann integral equals the Lebesgue integral. In addition, the function f is continuous almost everyw…

Lebesgue Integral の理論

最近フーリエー級数を勉強する時にLebesgue積分の事を呼んでいます。 I found this somewhat confusing, as I had always believed that an integral, in two dimensions the area under the curve, had a single definition as explored by Newton and Leib…


以前にTorusの話を行いましたからその説明を済ませます。 Given that we have determined H0, H1, and H2, the homology groups on the torus, we now turn our attention to the Betti numbers h0, h1, and h2. The two groups isomorphic to C2, H0 and H2…


The next homology group and Betti number to be examined is the second homology group of the cube (H2(cube)). The only two 2-cycles on a cube are null and ABCDEF (where these are the six faces). These are not homologous, as the only two-bou…


以前に立方体のzeroth homology groupを計算しました。 今回はキューブのH1を考えます。 Points to consider when calculating H1(cube) are: 1. cycles are 1-boundaries (bound 2-chains) 2. There are 64 1-cycles on a cube. This point is a bit bemusi…


現在Lisp、ML、F#等のfunctionalプログラミング言語を見ています。普段に使うC++,C#などとどう違うかが注目です。Lispはダイナミック型システムがあるから関数を宣言する時にパラメターの型を書かない。 I have been wondering whether Lisp provides any ad…

Homology group properties

Oberlin大学のHenle教授が書いたAlgebraic Topologyを勉強しています。Currently, after reading about vector fields, plane homology, the Jordan curve theorem, Poincare's index lemma, surfaces, etc, I am trying to understand homology groups of c…


Newtonの物理学の悪い影響を表します。 Many scholars received the impression that Newtonian laws provide determinism in any system based on the fact that the solar system can be understood by them. However, although planetary movements can b…


(discussing whether a small margin of error for measuring the motion of the ball is possible) For very small quantities, classical mechanics cannot be used. The author states that the "truth of the system" must be acknowledged in order for…




最近何か好きになるのが弱点になると意識しました。 システム開発、数学、スポーツなどで頑張って自分が制御出来ない事で目的を達成しない場合にがっかりする。頑張らない方がいいかなと言う絶望になります。でもその気持ちが続いて他人が同じな事で成功する…


著者が次に原因と結果の接続に疑います。 One example the author provides is the contraction of a malady. Given exposure to the cause of some plague the disease manifests itself, one supposes the cause to be the said exposure. However, given …


最近Causality and Determinationと言うエッセイに目を通しています。 He begins by recounting the link between the notion of "cause" and necessity. He defines causality by the notion that "if an effect occurs in one case and a similar effect d…


最近フーリェ変換と言う数学変換をコンピューターのプログラムで計算しています。 この変換がフーリエ級数から由来されています。 この級数はフランスのジョセフ・フーリェ(1768−1830)に発明されました。 変換は離散と畳み込み(continuous functio…


最近ランダム・ハウス辞書の序文に書いてある英語の歴史を読んでいます。英語は 1.Indo−European 2.Germanic の語族に入っています。 Germanicから分れてから三つの時代がありました 1.Old English 1170年まで 2.Middle English 1475年まで…

Training Tree Transducers

Graehl, Knight, Mayの論文がComputational Linguisticsと言う雑誌に発表されました。4. Extended LHS Tree Transducers A weighted extended lhs top-down tree transducer M is a quintuple (sigma, delta, Q, Qi, R). Sigma is the input alphabet, delta…

Executable and Linking Format



英語はGermanic語族に入っています。Germanic言語はIndo-Europeanに属しています。英語の世代はOld English、Middle English、Modern Englishに分かっています。

