
一つな曖昧なところは改善関数です。The formula for improvement of a given split is I^2 = *1*(ymeanl-ymeanr)^2
Here the wl and wr variables are sums over all nodes of each sub tree of p(1-p). 他の分かりにくい説明は部分集合の話です。This describes the partial dependence of a model on a subset of the input vector, ie a function of only a subset of the inputs (with the other values assigned constant values). How the weights above are derived is unclear. Upon reexamination, these are the sums of p(1-p) at the left and right terminal nodes from a prospective split. Later, a weighted traversal is undertaken to demonstrate a partial dependency relationship. Partial dependencyは日本語で部分的な依存でしょう。
Fm(x) = F(m-1)(x) + v*pm*h(x;am)
Here Fm is the model at iteration m, v is a shrinkage parameter, and h is a tree function of the input x and some multiplier am.
