
An attempt was made for a simple greedy strategy by playing the game in reverse using the max card in either player's deck at each step. While this covers many test cases correctly, it seems to be 1 short of the forward-iterated optimum for some cases. 他人の正解を見て考え直せば動的計画法で解ける。The top solution from user gullesnuffs utilized dynamic programming on the turn number and top card of the deck.
It seems that dynamic programming discounts the composition of the decks and the order of placement or non-placement. The strategy assumes that there is only one optimal sequence of moves leading to a given (top,turn num) pair.
The key insight is that the dynamic programming can consider only the turn number and top of the deck as identifying indices, and visit each state at most d times where d is the length of one player's deck. In each turn, either a placement of any of the cards or a non-placement can occur. The player whose turn it is is based on the index (i%2==0->petr, i%2==1->snuke).
The non-placement is non-intuitive, as state (i+1,j) can be reached either via non-placement at (i,j) or placement at (i,j') where j'