
The challenge of this algorithm was to map subset selections from a list of 15 or fewer elements to binary n-tuples (where a 1 in the ith position meant that the ith element in the list was chosen). For 15 elements, there are 32768 tuples (0-32767). For each selection, the durations of the songs are determined, but the tone discrepancy between consecutive songs depends on the order of the list. Thus, the songs are sorted to make the tones monotonically increasing. In order to compute the time needed for the list, each song's duration is added, and then, if i>0, |tone[sel[i]]-tone[sel[i-1]]| is added, where sel[i] is the ith element in the selection. My error was to use tone[i], causing the time calculation to succeed only if the indices 0,1,...len-1 agreed with the selection indices.
Another mistake was the failure to remove the leftmost bit of the bitmap after adding the selection to the list in the bitmap->selection transformation. This was achieved by bitMap = bitMap%(1<